Fall 2024 Course Schedules

Last update: September 4, 2024

Department Course (Section) Method Title Credits Day & Time Instructor CRN Gen Ed Special Info
AccountingACCT 2102 (801)In-personManagerial Accounting3TTh 12:00-13:30Sigaty, D.52716
AdvertisingADV 0853 (801)In-personAdvert & Globalization3TTh 15:50-17:20Foster, J.52599GG
American StudiesAMST 2107 (801)In-personAsian-American Experiences3MWF 14:10-15:10Karsner, D.52500CL: ASST 2107 (801) & HIST 2107 (801)
American StudiesAMST 2217 (801)In-personThe Vietnam War3MWF 11:30-12:30Karsner, D.52493CL: ASST 2217 (801) & HIST 2217 (801)
AnthropologyANTH 0825 (801)In-personQuant Methods in Soc Sci4TTh 08:10-10:10Joyce, T.53616GQCL: POLS 0825 (801), PSY 0825 (801), & SOC 0825 (801)
ArtARTU 1201 (802)In-person3-D Design3WF 11:30-14:00Hishiyama, Y.52807Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 1201 (803)In-person3-D Design3WF 14:10-16:40Hishiyama, Y.52824Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 1201 (801)In-person3-D Design3TTh 09:20-11:50Kirkham, J.52806Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 1401 (801)In-personDrawing I3WF 16:50-19:20Hishiyama, Y.52791Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 1402 (801)In-personDrawing II3MW 08:50-11:20Sakurai, K.52805Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 1501 (802)In-person2D Design3MW 08:50-11:20Lynam, I.52825Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 1501 (801)In-person2D Design3MW 14:10-16:40Watanabe, S.52790Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 2102 (801)In-personPainting3TTh 09:20-11:50Sakurai, K.52809Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 2102 (802)In-personPainting3TTh 15:50-18:20Kirkham, J.52810Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 2202 (801)In-personIntermediate 3-D3TTh 13:10-15:40Kirkham, J.52850Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 2301 (801)In-personRelief Printmaking3TTh 09:20-11:50Wilds, K.52801Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 2351 (801)In-personArtist Books/Zines/Ind. Pub.3TTh 13:10-15:40Wilds, K.52802Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 2400 (801)In-personSpecial Topics3TTh 13:10-15:40Sakurai, K.55409Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 2402 (801)In-personIntermediate Drawing3MW 14:10-16:40Kubota, T.52853Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 2601 (802)In-personComputer Imaging3MW 14:10-16:40Lynam, I.54463Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 2602 (801)In-personIntermed Computer Imaging3MW 11:30-14:00Lynam, I.52793Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 2811 (801)In-personArt Photo/Digital3TTh 09:20-11:50Tsai, P.52811Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class. Students will need to have access to a digital camera for this course. Please contact the instructors for further details or with questions.
ArtARTU 2811 (802)In-personArt Photo/Digital3MW 11:30-14:00Watanabe, S.52815Notes: Major coordinator approval required. Extra studio time is mandatory in this class. Students will need to have access to a digital camera for this course. Please contact the instructors for further details or with questions.
ArtARTU 2812 (801)In-personIntmd Art Photo/Digital3TTh 13:10-15:40Tsai, P.52812Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class. Students will need to have access to a digital camera for this course. Please contact the instructors for further details or with questions.
ArtARTU 2812 (803)In-personIntmd Art Photo/Digital3TTh 09:20-11:50Watanabe, S.52820Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class. Students will need to have access to a digital camera for this course. Please contact the instructors for further details or with questions.
ArtARTU 2835 (801)In-personArt Photo/Moving Image3MW 14:10-16:40Broyles, J.52796Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 3000 (802)In-personSpecial Topics: Post-Studio Practice3MW 16:50-19:20Kubota, T.52826Notes: Major coordinator approval required. Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 3000 (801)In-personSpecial Topics: Advanced Artist Books3MW 14:10-16:40Wilds, K.52803Notes: Major coordinator approval required. Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 3103 (801)In-personAdvanced Painting3MW 14:10-16:40Sakurai, K.52847Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 3203 (801)In-personAdvanced 3-D3TTh 13:10-15:40Kirkham, J.52851Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 3303 (801)In-personAdvanced Printmaking3MF 08:50-11:20Rouse, L.52799Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 3403 (801)In-personAdvanced Drawing3MW 14:10-16:40Kubota, T.52854Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 3603 (801)In-personAdv Computer Imaging3MW 11:30-14:00Lynam, I.52794Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 3813 (801)In-personAdv Art Photo/Digital3TTh 15:50-18:20Tsai, P.52813Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class. Students will need to have access to a digital camera for this course. Please contact the instructors for further details or with questions.
ArtARTU 3813 (802)In-personAdv Art Photo/Digital3TTh 09:20-11:50Watanabe, S.52817Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class. Students will need to have access to a digital camera for this course. Please contact the instructors for further details or with questions.
ArtARTU 4149 (801)In-personPainting Portfolio3MW 14:10-16:40Sakurai, K.52848Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 4249 (801)In-person3-D Portfolio3TTh 13:10-15:40Kirkham, J.52852Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 4349 (801)In-personPrintmaking Portfolio3MF 08:50-11:20Rouse, L.52800Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 4449 (801)In-personDrawing Portfolio3MW 14:10-16:40Kubota, T.52855Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 4649 (801)In-personComputer Imag Portfolio3MW 11:30-14:00Lynam, I.52795Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 4796 (801)In-personArt Seminar3MW 11:30-14:00Kubota, T. & Nettleton, T.52808WINotes: Major coordinator approval required. Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
ArtARTU 4849 (801)In-personArt Photo Portfolio3TTh 15:50-18:20Tsai, P.52814Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class. Students will need to have access to a digital camera for this course. Please contact the instructors for further details or with questions.
ArtARTU 4849 (802)In-personArt Photo Portfolio3TTh 09:20-11:50Watanabe, S.52818Notes: Major coordinator approval required. Extra studio time is mandatory in this class. Students will need to have access to a digital camera for this course. Please contact the instructors for further details or with questions.
Art HistoryARTH 1103 (801)In-personIntro to Methods and Theories3MWF 14:10-15:10Nettleton, T.52345
Art HistoryARTH 1801 (801)In-personArts of Asia3TTh 10:20-11:50Watanabe, S. C.52371
Art HistoryARTH 2096 (801)In-personArt History Writing Intensive: Eurasia: Connecting European and Asian Art and Culture4TTh 13:40-15:40Watanabe, S. C.52367WI
Art HistoryARTH 2323 (750)OnlineEarly Renaissance Art in Italy4TTh 17:30-19:30MacDonald, D.52388
Art HistoryARTH 2644 (801)In-personPost-War Art, 1945-19894MWF 15:20-16:40Nettleton, T.52369
Art HistoryARTH 2680 (750)OnlineTopics in Global Art: Arts of the Global Renaissance 4TTh 13:40-15:40MacDonald, D.52386
Art HistoryARTH 2800 (801)In-personTopics in Non-West Art: Japanese Art before and after WWII: National Identities in Modernization4TTh 17:30-19:30Watanabe, S. C.52372
Art HistoryARTH 2815 (801)In-personPre-Modern Japanese Art4MWF 10:00-11:20Tsuruya, M.52374CL: ASST 2815 (801)
Art HistoryARTH 2896 (801)In-personModern Japanese Art4MWF 12:40-14:00Tsuruya, M.52368WI
Art HistoryARTH 2898 (801)In-personContemporary Japanese Art4MWF 10:00-11:20Nettleton, T.52366WI
Asian StudiesASST 0811 (750)OnlineAsian Behavior & Thought3MF 18:00-19:30Fujii, S.52406GB
Asian StudiesASST 2000 (750)OnlineSpec Topics Asian Studies I: Japanese Popular Culture: Debates and Controversies3AsynchronousChozick, M.52463
Asian StudiesASST 2000 (801)In-personSpec Topics Asian Studies I: Ideology and Social Change in Japan3TTh 12:00-13:30Cleveland, K.53716CL: SOC 2130 (801)
Asian StudiesASST 2012 (801)In-personMod Japanese Lit in Tran3TTh 15:50-17:20Habjan Villarreal, N.52936CL: JPNS 2012 (801)
Asian StudiesASST 2074 (750)OnlineGeog/East & South Asia3MWF 08:50-09:50Mock, J.52394CL: GUS 2074 (750)
Asian StudiesASST 2098 (750)OnlineJapanese Popular Culture & Lit3AsynchronousChozick, M.52390WI
Asian StudiesASST 2098 (751)OnlineJapanese Popular Culture & Lit3AsynchronousChozick, M.52391WI
Asian StudiesASST 2102 (801)In-personIntroduction to Buddhism3MWF 08:50-09:50Roser, L.55221CL: REL 2102 (801)
Asian StudiesASST 2107 (801)In-personAsian-American Experiences3MWF 14:10-15:10Karsner, D.52501CL: AMST 2107 (801) & HIST 2107 (801)
Asian StudiesASST 2112 (801)In-personChinese Literature3MWF 11:30-12:30Sun, S.53886CL: CHI 2112 (801)
Asian StudiesASST 2196 (750)OnlineWriting in the City3AsynchronousChozick, M.52389WI
Asian StudiesASST 2196 (801)In-personWriting in the City3TTh 10:20-11:50Williams, Matthew55222WI
Asian StudiesASST 2196 (802)In-personWriting in the City3MWF 11:30-12:30Williams, Matthew55223WI
Asian StudiesASST 2201 (801)In-personChinese Religions3TTh 10:20-11:50Berger, D.55225CL: REL 2201 (801)
Asian StudiesASST 2217 (801)In-personThe Vietnam War3MWF 11:30-12:30Karsner, D.52494CL: AMST 2217 (801) & HIST 2217 (801)
Asian StudiesASST 2501 (801)In-personIntro to East Asia: China3MWF 11:30-12:30Cucek, M.52483CL: HIST 2501 (801)
Asian StudiesASST 2502 (750)OnlineIntro to East Asia: Japan3MWF 10:00-11:00Mock, J.52392CL: HIST 2502 (750)
Asian StudiesASST 2511 (750)OnlineIntro to Asian Business3TTh 12:00-13:30Satterwhite, D.52626
Asian StudiesASST 2511 (801)In-personIntro to Asian Business3MWF 14:10-15:10Zeng, Z.52717
Asian StudiesASST 2815 (801)In-personJapanese Art4MWF 10:00-11:20Tsuruya, M.52375CL: ARTH 2815 (801)
Asian StudiesASST 3030 (801)In-personSpecial Topics III: Research Preparation Seminar: Japan's International Relations3TTh 12:00-13:30Brown, J.52511CL: POLS 3510 (801)
Asian StudiesASST 3030 (802)In-personSpecial Topics III: Chinese Foreign Policy3TTh 14:10-15:40Cho, S.55360CL: POLS 4310 (801)
Asian StudiesASST 3076 (801)In-personMetropolitan Tokyo3TTh 08:40-10:10Williams, Matthew52466
Asian StudiesASST 3301 (801)In-personJapanese Religions3TTh 19:10-20:40Feeney, W.52475CL: REL 3301 (801)
Asian StudiesASST 3541 (750)OnlineJapan Today3TTh 17:30-19:00Kingston, J.52398CL: HIST 3541 (750)
Asian StudiesASST 3542 (801)In-personWomen & Society in Japan3TTh 12:00-13:30Rossitto, S.52471CL: GSWS 3542 (801)
Asian StudiesASST 4096 (750)OnlineSeminar in Asian Studies: The Japanese Occupation of Southeast Asia3TTh 13:40-15:10Kingston, J.52397WINotes: Major coordinator approval required.
Asian StudiesASST 4096 (801)In-personSeminar in Asian Studies: Environmental History of Modern East Asia3TTh 17:30-19:00Tyner, C.52467WI
Asian StudiesASST 4696 (801)In-personMod Japan: Empire, War, Soc3MWF 14:10-15:10Cucek, M.52479WICL: HIST 4697 (801)
BiologyBIOL 0848 (801)In-personDNA: Friend or Foe3TTh 17:30-19:00Cueno, M.52608GS
BiologyBIOL 1001 (801)In-personHuman Biology4MWF 19:10-20:30Cueno, M.52447
ChemistryCHEM 0821 (750)OnlineChemistry of Wine3TTh 19:10-20:40Bidadi, H.53904GS
ChemistryCHEM 0821 (751)OnlineChemistry of Wine3MW 19:10-20:40Bidadi, H.54384GS
ChemistryCHEM 0838 (801)In-personNature Has No Reverse3MWF 16:50-17:50Cueno, M.52610GS
ChineseCHI 1001 (801)In-personChinese Elements I4MWF 10:00-11:20Sun, S.52309
ChineseCHI 1001 (802)In-personChinese Elements I4MWF 12:40-14:00Sun, S.52310
ChineseCHI 2001 (801)In-personChinese Intermediate I3MWF 14:10-15:10Sun, S.52311
ChineseCHI 2112 (801)In-personChinese Literature3MWF 11:30-12:30Sun, S.53887CL: ASST 2112 (801)
Communication Social InfluenceCSI 0801 (801)In-personContemp Amer Social Movements3TTh 15:50-17:20Rossitto, S.52935GU
Communication Social InfluenceCSI 1111 (801)In-personPublic Speaking3TTh 17:30-19:00Parham, C.52711
Communication Social InfluenceCSI 3701 (750)OnlineIntercultural Communication3MWF 16:50-17:50Hawkins, B.52697
Communication StudiesCMST 1111 (801)In-personCommunication and Public Life3MWF 11:30-12:30Carr, R.52704
Communication StudiesCMST 1111 (802)In-personCommunication and Public Life3MWF 14:10-15:10Carr, R.52727
Communication StudiesCMST 2111 (801)In-personCommunications Seminar3TTh 12:00-13:30Carr, R.52705
Computer & Information ScienceCIS 1051 (801)In-personIntro Prob Solv & Prog-Python4MWF 12:40-14:00Tserolas, V.52438
Computer & Information ScienceCIS 1051 (802)In-personIntro Prob Solv & Prog-Python4MWF 10:00-11:20Tserolas, V.55354
Computer & Information ScienceCIS 1057 (770)HybridComputer Programming in C4MWF 10:00-11:20Karam, H.52434Notes: The Wednesday and Friday meetings for this class will be held in person; Monday meetings will be conducted online. 
Computer & Information ScienceCIS 1057 (771)HybridComputer Programming in C4WF 12:40-14:00Karam, H.55404Notes: The Wednesday and Friday meetings for this class will be held in person; Monday meetings will be conducted online. 
Computer & Information ScienceCIS 1068 (770)HybridProgram Design & Abstraction4MWF 14:10-15:10 & M 20:00-21:00Karam, H.52435Notes: The Wednesday and Friday meetings for this class will be held in person; Monday meetings will be held online. The lab component will be conducted online.
Computer & Information ScienceCIS 1068 (771)HybridProgram Design & Abstraction4MWF 08:50-09:50 & F 20:00-22:00Karam, H.53782Notes: The Wednesday and Friday meetings for this class will be held in person; Monday meetings will be held online. The lab component will be conducted online
Computer & Information ScienceCIS 1166 (801)In-personMath Concepts in Computing I4MWF 18:00-19:20Tserolas, V.52440
Computer & Information ScienceCIS 1166 (802)In-personMath Concepts in Computing I4MWF 15:20-16:40Tserolas, V.55355
Computer & Information ScienceCIS 2033 (801)In-personComputational Prob & Stat3TTh 18:00-19:30Esmaeili, A.52442
Computer & Information ScienceCIS 2107 (801)In-personComp Sys & Low-Level Program4MWF 12:40-14:00Nakhle, F.55356Notes: Schedule includes a laboratory component.
Computer & Information ScienceCIS 2166 (801)In-personMath Concepts in Computing II4MWF 18:00-19:20Fonseca, J.52439
Computer & Information ScienceCIS 3207 (801)In-personIntro Systems Prog & Oper Sys4MWF 10:00-11:20Nakhle, F.52443
DanceDANC 1807 (750)OnlineHatha Yoga2TTh 18:00-19:00Alling, B.53791
EconomicsECON 0858 (801)In-personThe American Economy3TTh 08:40-10:10Ofori, S.52570GU
EconomicsECON 0858 (750)OnlineThe American Economy3TTh 08:40-10:10Ofori, S.52571GU
EconomicsECON 1001 (770)HybridIntroduction to Economy3MWF 16:50-17:50Boudier, L.52553Notes: The Monday and Wednesday meetings for this class will be held in person; Friday meetings will be conducted online. 
EconomicsECON 1101 (803)In-personMacroeconomic Principles3MWF 08:50-09:50Kahy, H.54529
EconomicsECON 1101 (751)OnlineMacroeconomic Principles3MWF 08:50-09:50Kahy, H.54530
EconomicsECON 1101 (750)OnlineMacroeconomic Principles3TTh 17:30-19:00Mino Avila, S.52558
EconomicsECON 1101 (801)In-personMacroeconomic Principles3MWF 16:50-17:50Tanaka, M.55426
EconomicsECON 1102 (770)HybridMicroeconomic Principles3TTh 15:50-17:20Iniguez, A.52555Notes: The Thursday meetings for this class will be held in person; Tuesday meetings will be conducted online. 
EconomicsECON 1102 (804)In-personMicroeconomic Principles3MWF 14:10-15:10Kahy, H.55210
EconomicsECON 1102 (750)OnlineMicroeconomic Principles3MWF 14:10-15:10Kahy, H.55211
EconomicsECON 1102 (801)In-personMicroeconomic Principles3MWF 11:30-12:30Tanaka, M.52559
EconomicsECON 1103 (771)HybridGlobal Economics3MWF 14:10-15:10Boudier, L.55207Notes: The Monday and Wednesday meetings for this class will be held in person; Friday meetings will be conducted online. 
EconomicsECON 1103 (770)HybridGlobal Economics3TTh 12:00-13:30Mino Avila, S.52556Notes: The Thursday meetings for this class will be held in person; Tuesday meetings will be conducted online. 
EconomicsECON 3408 (801)In-personEconomics for Life3TTh 13:40-15:10Ofori, S.52574
EconomicsECON 3408 (750)OnlineEconomics for Life3TTh 13:40-15:10Ofori, S.52575
EconomicsECON 3501 (801)In-personIntermed Microecon Analysis3MWF 12:40-13:40Kahy, H.52566
EconomicsECON 3501 (750)OnlineIntermed Microecon Analysis3MWF 12:40-13:40Kahy, H.52567
EconomicsECON 3502 (801)In-personIntermed Macroecon Analysis3MWF 10:00-11:00Kahy, H.52562
EconomicsECON 3502 (750)OnlineIntermed Macroecon Analysis3MWF 10:00-11:00Kahy, H.52563
EconomicsECON 3503 (801)In-personIntro to Econometrics3MWF 14:10-15:10Gupta, P.52561
EconomicsECON 3538 (801)In-personManagerial Economics3MWF 16:50-17:50Bedard, B.52635
EconomicsECON 3538 (802)In-personManagerial Economics3TTh 15:50-17:20Nichols, D.52636
EconomicsECON 3543 (801)In-personLaw and Economics3MWF 15:20-16:20McCaskill, J.53687
EconomicsECON 3547 (801)In-personEcon of Dev & Growth3MWF 11:30-12:30Gupta, P.55209
EconomicsECON 3548 (801)In-personBehavioral Economics3TTh 15:50-17:20Bedard, B.55431
EconomicsECON 3563 (770)HybridInternational Trade3TTh 17:30-19:00Iniguez, A.52554Notes: The Thursday meetings for this class will be held in person; Tuesday meetings will be conducted online. 
EconomicsECON 3564 (801)In-personIntern'l Monetary Econ3MWF 14:10-15:10Tanaka, M.52560
EconomicsECON 3571 (801)In-personMoney and Banking3TTh 10:20-11:50Ofori, S.52572
EconomicsECON 3571 (750)OnlineMoney and Banking3TTh 10:20-11:50Ofori, S.52573
EconomicsECON 3596 (750)OnlineEnergy, Ecology & Economy3MWF 08:50-09:50Gonzales, H.52404
EconomicsECON 3597 (770)HybridHealth Economics3TTh 13:40-15:10Mino Avila, S.52557WINotes: The Thursday meetings for this class will be held in person; Tuesday meetings will be conducted online. 
EconomicsECON 3598 (801)In-personEconomic Writing Seminar3MWF 15:20-16:20Kahy, H.52568WINotes: Major coordinator approval required.
EconomicsECON 3598 (750)OnlineEconomic Writing Seminar3MWF 15:20-16:20Kahy, H.52569WINotes: Major coordinator approval required.
EconomicsECON 3697 (801)In-personThe Economics of Sports3TTh 15:50-17:20Leeds, M.55429WI
EducationEDUC 0806 (801)In-personIt's Bigger Than Hip-hop3TTh 17:30-19:00Williams, Michael52595GD
EducationEDUC 0823 (750)OnlineKids in Crisis3TTh 10:20-11:50Shigueiti Uehara, M.52597GD
EnglishENG 0701 (801)In-personIntro to Acad Discourse4MWF 15:20-16:40Chambers, J.55171
EnglishENG 0701 (770)HybridIntro to Acad Discourse4MWF 10:00-11:20Rashotte, R.52258Notes: The Monday and Friday meetings for this class will be held in person; on Wednesdays, the class will be conducted asynchronously on Canvas.
EnglishENG 0711 (801)In-personIntro/Acad Discourse ESL4MWF 10:00-11:20Ahn, S.52264
EnglishENG 0711 (750)OnlineIntro/Acad Discourse ESL4TTh 17:30-19:30Brown, A.52262
EnglishENG 0711 (752)OnlineIntro/Acad Discourse ESL4MWF 18:00-19:20Brown, A.54446
EnglishENG 0711 (802)In-personIntro/Acad Discourse ESL4MWF 12:40-14:00Oki, Y.52265
EnglishENG 0711 (803)In-personIntro/Acad Discourse ESL4MWF 15:20-16:40Oki, Y.52266
EnglishENG 0711 (806)In-personIntro/Acad Discourse ESL4MWF 12:40-14:00Stone, H.54573
EnglishENG 0802 (751)OnlineAnalytical Reading & Writing4MWF 10:00-11:20Arnold, S.52268GWNotes: All class meetings will be held synchronously online in Zoom, except for Oct. 4, Oct. 11, Oct. 18, Oct. 25, Nov. 1, and Nov. 8, on which days the class will be conducted asynchronously in Canvas.
EnglishENG 0802 (801)In-personAnalytical Reading & Writing4TTh 08:10-10:10Arnold, S.52269GW
EnglishENG 0802 (802)In-personAnalytical Reading & Writing4TTh 13:40-15:40Arnold, S.52270GW
EnglishENG 0802 (752)OnlineAnalytical Reading & Writing4MWF 12:40-14:00Broekema, D.53535GWNotes: The Monday and Wednesday meetings for this class will be held synchronously on Zoom; on Fridays, the class will be conducted asynchronously on Canvas, except for Sep. 6 and Sep. 13 on which days attendance in a synchronous Zoom meeting is required at the regular class time.
EnglishENG 0802 (750)OnlineAnalytical Reading & Writing4MWF 08:30-09:50Chambers, J.52267GW
EnglishENG 0802 (803)In-personAnalytical Reading & Writing4MWF 08:30-09:50Derr, J.52271GW
EnglishENG 0802 (804)In-personAnalytical Reading & Writing4MWF 10:00-11:20Derr, J.52272GW
EnglishENG 0802 (753)OnlineAnalytical Reading & Writing4TTh 10:20-11:50Sterling, J.54599GWNotes: The Tuesday and Thursday meetings for this class will be held synchronously in Zoom. One additional hour of instruction will be conducted asynchronously on Canvas each week.
EnglishENG 0812 (810)In-personAnalytical Read/Wrtg ESL4MWF 12:40-14:00Ahn, S.55172GW
EnglishENG 0812 (751)OnlineAnalytical Read/Wrtg ESL4MWF 10:00-12:00Broekema, D.53538GWNotes: The Monday and Wednesday meetings for this class will be held synchronously on Zoom; on Fridays, the class will be conducted asynchronously on Canvas, except for Sep. 6 and Sep. 13 on which days attendance in a synchronous Zoom meeting is required at the regular class time.
EnglishENG 0812 (752)OnlineAnalytical Read/Wrtg ESL4MWF 15:20-16:40Broekema, D.55173GWNotes: The Monday and Wednesday meetings for this class will be held synchronously on Zoom; on Fridays, the class will be conducted asynchronously on Canvas, except for Sep. 6 and Sep. 13 on which days attendance in a synchronous Zoom meeting is required at the regular class time.
EnglishENG 0812 (801)In-personAnalytical Read/Wrtg ESL4MWF 12:40-14:00Chambers, J.52278GW
EnglishENG 0812 (750)OnlineAnalytical Read/Wrtg ESL4TTh 13:40-15:40Curtley, H.52276GW
EnglishENG 0812 (802)In-personAnalytical Read/Wrtg ESL4MWF 15:20-16:40Curtley, H.52279GW
EnglishENG 0812 (806)In-personAnalytical Read/Wrtg ESL4MWF 12:40-14:00Curtley, H.52283GW
EnglishENG 0812 (803)In-personAnalytical Read/Wrtg ESL4MWF 10:00-11:20Keefe, K.52280GW
EnglishENG 0812 (804)In-personAnalytical Read/Wrtg ESL4MWF 12:40-14:00Keefe, K.52281GW
EnglishENG 0812 (805)In-personAnalytical Read/Wrtg ESL4MWF 15:20-16:40Keefe, K.52282GW
EnglishENG 0812 (770)HybridAnalytical Read/Wrtg ESL4TTh 13:40-15:40Medrano, E.52284GWNotes: The Tuesday meetings for this class will be held in person; Thursday meetings will be held on Zoom.
EnglishENG 0812 (808)In-personAnalytical Read/Wrtg ESL4TTh 13:40-15:40Tambeau, M.52285GW
EnglishENG 0812 (809)In-personAnalytical Read/Wrtg ESL4TTh 08:10-10:10Tambeau, M.52286GW
EnglishENG 0815 (801)In-personLanguage in Society3TTh 08:40-10:10Maher, J.53602GB
EnglishENG 0826 (750)OnlineCreative Acts4AsynchronousSchaeffer-Raymond, H.52429GANotes: Asynchronous online course in Canvas, no scheduled class meetings. Instructor will provide details via email at beginning of term.
EnglishENG 0837 (801)In-personEating Cultures3TTh 12:00-13:30Higgins, S.53888GB
EnglishENG 0855 (801)In-personWhy care about College?3TTh 12:00-13:30Sudo, C.52603GU
EnglishENG 2007 (801)In-personWriting for Business/Industry3TTh 10:20-11:50Miyagawa, S.52630
EnglishENG 2007 (750)OnlineWriting for Business/Industry3TTh 10:20-11:50Miyagawa, S.52631
EnglishENG 2007 (802)In-personWriting for Business/Industry3MWF 15:20-16:20Narducci, M.52628
EnglishENG 2505 (801)In-personSurvey of Science Fiction3TTh 15:50-17:20Schulz, M.55229
Environmental StudiesENST 0842 (750)OnlineSustainable Environments3TTh 15:50-17:20Shigueiti Uehara, M.53413GS
FrenchFREN 1001 (801)In-personIntro to French I4MWF 08:30-09:50Faye, S.53510
Gender, Sexuality and Women StudiesGSWS 3542 (801)In-personWomen and Society in Japan3TTh 12:00-13:30Rossitto, S.52472CL: ASST 3542 (801)
Geography and Urban StudiesGUS 0821 (802)In-personDigital Mapping4MWF 12:40-14:00Ono, K.52602GQ
Geography and Urban StudiesGUS 0831 (801)In-personGlobal Cities3MWF 08:50-09:50Williams, Matthew52465GG
Geography and Urban StudiesGUS 1022 (750)OnlineUrban Society1M 11:30-12:30Garnica, A.52739
Geography and Urban StudiesGUS 2074 (750)OnlineSouth & East Asia3MWF 08:50-09:50Mock, J.52395CL: ASST 2074 (750)
HistoryHIST 0832 (801)In-personPolitics of Identity3TTh 12:00-13:30Williams, Michael52594GD
HistoryHIST 0849 (751)OnlineDissent in America3TTh 12:00-13:30Schaeffer-Raymond, H.52609GU
HistoryHIST 0865 (801)In-personThe Global Crisis3TTh 12:00-13:30Foster, J.52600GG
HistoryHIST 1702 (801)In-personMod History Since 15003TTh 15:50-17:20Tyner, C.52469
HistoryHIST 2103 (801)In-personAfrican Amer Hist - 18653TTh 15:50-17:20Williams, Michael52596
HistoryHIST 2107 (801)In-personAsian-American History3MWF 14:10-15:10Karsner, D.52502CL: AMST 2107 (801) & ASST 2107 (801)
HistoryHIST 2217 (801)In-personVietnam War3MWF 11:30-12:30Karsner, D.52495CL: AMST 2217 (801) & ASST 2217 (801)
HistoryHIST 2501 (801)In-personIntro to East Asia: China3MWF 11:30-12:30Cucek, M.52484CL: ASST 2501 (801)
HistoryHIST 2502 (750)OnlineIntro to East Asia: Japan3MWF 10:00-11:00Mock, J.52393CL: ASST 2502 (750)
HistoryHIST 3229 (750)OnlineSuperpower America3TTh 15:50-17:20Kingston, J.52396
HistoryHIST 3541 (750)OnlineJapan Today3TTh 17:30-19:00Kingston, J.52399CL: ASST 3541 (750)
HistoryHIST 4697 (801)In-personModern Japan: Empire, War, Soc3MWF 14:10-15:10Cucek, M.52480WICL: ASST 4696 (801)
Human Resource ManagementHRM 1101 (801)In-personLeadership & Organ Management3TTh 08:40-10:10Miyagawa, S.52633
Human Resource ManagementHRM 1101 (750)OnlineLeadership & Organ Management3TTh 08:40-10:10Miyagawa, S.52634
Human Resource ManagementHRM 1101 (802)In-personLeadership & Organ Management3MWF 08:50-09:50Nichols, D.52632
Intellectual HeritageIH 0851 (750)OnlineIH I: The Good Life3TTh 10:20-11:50Azzopardi, M.52409GY
Intellectual HeritageIH 0851 (751)OnlineIH I: The Good Life3TTh 12:00-13:30Azzopardi, M.52410GY
Intellectual HeritageIH 0851 (752)OnlineIH I: The Good Life3MWF 14:10-15:10Mc Gehee, M.55196GY
Intellectual HeritageIH 0851 (753)OnlineIH I: The Good Life3MWF 15:20-16:20Mc Gehee, M.55197GY
Intellectual HeritageIH 0851 (802)In-personIH I: The Good Life3MWF 11:30-12:30Mc Gehee, M.55227GY
Intellectual HeritageIH 0851 (803)In-personIH I: The Good Life3TTh 10:20-11:50Schulz, M.52418GY
Intellectual HeritageIH 0851 (804)In-personIH I: The Good Life3TTh 12:00-13:30Schulz, M.55198GY
Intellectual HeritageIH 0852 (750)OnlineIH II: The Common Good3TTh 15:50-17:20Firestone, E.55407GZ
Intellectual HeritageIH 0852 (809)In-personIH II: The Common Good3MWF 11:30-12:30Jankiewicz, S.55436GZ
Intellectual HeritageIH 0852 (752)OnlineIH II: The Common Good3AsynchronousJankiewicz, S.55437GZNotes: Asynchronous online course in Canvas, no scheduled class meetings. Instructor will provide details via email at beginning of term.
Intellectual HeritageIH 0852 (804)In-personIH II: The Common Good3MWF 08:50-09:50Mc Gehee, M.55202GZ
Intellectual HeritageIH 0852 (807)In-personIH II: The Common Good3MWF 18:00-19:00Miller, S.54219GZ
Intellectual HeritageIH 0852 (805)In-personIH II: The Common Good3TTh 08:40-10:10Sinclair, R.55203GZ
Intellectual HeritageIH 0852 (751)OnlineIH II: The Common Good3TTh 10:20-11:50Sinclair, R.55408GZ
Intellectual HeritageIH 0852 (803)In-personIH II: The Common Good3TTh 12:00-13:30Stone, H.52425GZ
Intellectual HeritageIH 0852 (801)In-personIH II: The Common Good3MWF 18:00-19:00Stromback, D.55201GZ
International Bus StudiesJIBS 3101 (802)In-personIntroduction to Global Finance3MWF 11:30-12:30Ho, M.52724
International Bus StudiesJIBS 3101 (801)In-personIntroduction to Global Finance3TTh 08:40-10:10Hongo, A.52723
International Bus StudiesJIBS 3501 (801)In-personGlobal Marketing3TTh 15:50-17:20Narducci, M.52725
International Bus StudiesJIBS 3501 (802)In-personGlobal Marketing3MWF 18:00-19:00Chiu, R.52726
International Bus StudiesJIBS 4197 (801)In-personGlobal Business Overview3TTh 10:20-11:50Hongo, A.52722WINotes: Major coordinator approval required.
International Bus StudiesJIBS 4197 (750)OnlineGlobal Business Overview3MWF 10:00-11:00Takezawa, N.52627WINotes: Major coordinator approval required.
International Bus StudiesJIBS 4596 (801)In-personInterntl Business Capstone3TTh 17:30-19:00Bedard, B.52728WINotes: Major coordinator approval required.
JapaneseJPNS 1001 (803)In-personJapanese Elements I4MWF 12:40-14:00Ichimura, Y.52292
JapaneseJPNS 1001 (804)In-personJapanese Elements I4MWF 15:20-16:40Okada, C.53415
JapaneseJPNS 1001 (805)In-personJapanese Elements I4MWF 18:00-19:20Okada, C.54349
JapaneseJPNS 1001 (750)OnlineJapanese Elements I4MWF 10:00-11:20Valentine, Y.52288
JapaneseJPNS 1001 (801)In-personJapanese Elements I4MWF 10:00-11:20Toyoizumi, N.52289
JapaneseJPNS 1001 (802)In-personJapanese Elements I4MWF 12:40-14:00Van Orman, Y.52290
JapaneseJPNS 1001 (806)In-personJapanese Elements I4MWF 10:00-11:20Nishizawa, E.54448
JapaneseJPNS 1002 (803)In-personJapanese Elements II4MWF 10:00-11:20Namba, F.52296
JapaneseJPNS 1002 (802)In-personJapanese Elements II4MWF 15:20-16:40Shimizu, M.52295
JapaneseJPNS 1002 (750)OnlineJapanese Elements II4MWF 12:40-14:00Valentine, Y.52293
JapaneseJPNS 1002 (801)In-personJapanese Elements II4MWF 12:40-14:00Nishizawa, E.52294
JapaneseJPNS 1003 (801)In-personOral Intensive Japanese I3MWF 16:50-17:50Ichimura, Y.52297
JapaneseJPNS 1301 (801)In-personKanji I3MWF 14:10-15:10Okada, C.52298
JapaneseJPNS 2000 (801)In-personSpecial Topics I: Practical Japanese for Study Abroad Students3TTh 15:50-17:20Matsuhashi, Y.52300
JapaneseJPNS 2003 (801)In-personOral Intensive Japanese II3MWF 11:30-12:30Okada, C.52301
JapaneseJPNS 2012 (801)In-personMod Japanese Lit in Tran3TTh 15:50-17:20Habjan Villarreal, N.52937CL: ASST 2012 (801)
JapaneseJPNS 2301 (801)In-personKanji II3TTh 12:00-13:30Saito, J.52302
JapaneseJPNS 2631 (801)In-personStructure Japanese Language I3TTh 10:20-11:50Saito, J.52303Notes: This course is a review of grammar studied up to Intermediate 2 level. Students who have passed the JLPT N3 are not encouraged to take this course.
JapaneseJPNS 2701 (802)In-personIntermediate I - TUJ4MWF 15:20-16:40Machida, Y.52315
JapaneseJPNS 2701 (804)In-personIntermediate I - TUJ4MWF 16:50-18:10Machida, Y.54385
JapaneseJPNS 2701 (801)In-personIntermediate I - TUJ4MWF 12:40-14:00Takeda, S.52314
JapaneseJPNS 2701 (750)OnlineIntermediate I - TUJ4MWF 08:30-09:50Saito, J.52313
JapaneseJPNS 2701 (803)In-personIntermediate I - TUJ4MWF 10:00-11:20Watson, A.52316
JapaneseJPNS 2702 (801)In-personIntermediate II - TUJ4MWF 10:00-11:20Machida, Y.52323
JapaneseJPNS 2702 (802)In-personIntermediate II - TUJ4MWF 15:20-16:40Okumura, Y.52324
JapaneseJPNS 2702 (750)OnlineIntermediate II - TUJ4MWF 08:30-09:50Kabe, Y.52322
JapaneseJPNS 3000 (750)OnlineSpec Tops in Japanese I: Introduction to Translating Japanese to/from English for Non-Native Speakers of Japanese3TTh 08:40-10:10Kabe, Y.52317Notes: Students should have completed JPNS 2702 with a C- to have adequate preparation for this course.
JapaneseJPNS 3001 (801)In-personJapanese Advanced I3MWF 08:50-09:50Namba, F.52325
JapaneseJPNS 3001 (802)In-personJapanese Advanced I3MWF 14:10-15:10Toyoizumi, N.52326
JapaneseJPNS 3002 (801)In-personJapanese Advanced II3MWF 14:10-15:10Okumura, Y.52327
JapaneseJPNS 3002 (802)In-personJapanese Advanced II3MWF 16:50-17:50Shimizu, M.52328
JapaneseJPNS 3096 (801)In-personIntermediate Writing3MWF 08:50-09:50Yamaguchi, A.52330WI
JapaneseJPNS 4001 (801)In-personJapanese Advanced III3MWF 11:30-12:30Machida, Y.52331
JapaneseJPNS 4002 (801)In-personJapanese Advanced IV3MWF 08:50-09:50Ichimura, Y.52332
JapaneseJPNS 4003 (801)In-personAdvanced Oral Japanese3MWF 14:10-15:10Yamaguchi, A.52333
JapaneseJPNS 4296 (801)In-personWrtg Sem Jpns Business3TTh 12:00-13:30Matsuhashi, Y.52312WINotes: Major coordinator approval required.
JournalismJRN 1111 (801)In-personJournalism and Society3TTh 15:50-17:20Fujiwara, C.52928
JournalismJRN 2101 (801)In-personJournalism Research3TTh 10:20-11:50Fujiwara, C.52708
KleinKLN 1001 (750)OnlineKlein First-Year Seminar1M 14:10-15:10Hawkins, B.52698
KleinKLN 1002 (750)OnlineIntro to Professional Dev1F 18:00-19:00Hawkins, B.55147
KoreanKRN 1001 (750)OnlineKorean Elements I4TTh 08:10-10:10Park, K.52306
KoreanKRN 1001 (802)In-personKorean Elements I4TTh 13:40-15:40Park, K.52307
KoreanKRN 1002 (801)In-personKorean Elements II4TTh 17:30-19:30Park, K.55174
KoreanKRN 2001 (801)In-personKorean Intermediate I3TTh 15:50-17:20Park, K.52308
Liberal ArtsCLA 1002 (750)OnlineProf Dev for Liberal Arts1AsynchronousAdams, E.52719
Liberal ArtsCLA 1002 (751)OnlineProf Dev for Liberal Arts1Th 15:50-16:50Matsumoto, M.55237
Liberal ArtsCLA 1002 (801)In-personProf Dev for Liberal Arts1M 18:00-19:00Sasaki, K.52718
Liberal ArtsCLA 1002 (802)In-personProf Dev for Liberal Arts1W 18:00-19:00Wilson, C.55236
Liberal ArtsCLA 1010 (750)OnlineSpecial Topics in Liberal Arts: Keywords in American Studies1M 12:40-13:40Giarratani, N.52732Notes: This course is offered through the Undergraduate Bridge Program, a pre-matriculation language and academic skill-building program. Any interested undergraduate student may enroll. Please consult with the Bridge Program Director for details.
Liberal ArtsCLA 2020 (801)In-personSpec Topics Lib Arts II: International Career Strategies2T 18:00-20:00Kieffer, L,52720
Liberal ArtsCLA 2020 (802)In-personSpec Topics Lib Arts II: International Career Strategies2Th 18:00-20:00Tajeddini, O.52721
Liberal ArtsCLA 2030 (803)In-personSpec Topics Lib Arts III: Emerging Leaders3TTh 15:50-17:20Swinton, W.52624Notes: Major coordinator approval required. Registration is restricted to students selected for the Emerging Leaders Program.
Liberal ArtsCLA 2030 (801)In-personSpec Topics Lib Arts III: Technology in International Business3TTh 15:50-17:20Thompson, M.52622
Management Information SystemsMIS 0855 (801)In-personData Science3MWF 11:30-12:30Ono, K.52604GS
MarketingMKTG 2101 (801)In-personMarketing Management3MWF 10:00-11:00Zeng, Z.52730
MarketingMKTG 2101 (802)In-personMarketing Management3TTh 10:20-11:50Narducci, M.52731
MathematicsMATH 0701 (770)HybridBasic Math for Today's World4MWF 10:00-11:20Haciomeroglu, E.52514Notes: The Monday and Wednesday meetings for this class will be held in person; Friday meetings will be conducted online. 
MathematicsMATH 0702 (771)HybridIntermediate Algebra4MWF 10:00-11:20Bacani, D.52517Notes: The Monday and Wednesday meetings for this class will be held in person; Friday meetings will be conducted online. 
MathematicsMATH 0702 (750)OnlineIntermediate Algebra4TTh 17:30-19:30Rabago, J.53738
MathematicsMATH 0702 (770)HybridIntermediate Algebra4TTh 08:10-10:10Tan, S.52257Notes: The Tuesday meetings for this class will be held in person; Thursday meetings will be conducted online. 
MathematicsMATH 0823 (801)In-personMath for a Digital World4MWF 15:20-16:40Bedard, B.52550GQ
MathematicsMATH 0824 (770)HybridMathematical Patterns4MWF 08:30-09:50Haciomeroglu, E.52515GQNotes: The Monday and Wednesday meetings for this class will be held in person; Friday meetings will be conducted online. 
MathematicsMATH 1019 (801)In-personLab for College Algebra2TTh 10:50-11:50Tran, M.52520
MathematicsMATH 1021 (770)HybridCollege Algebra4MWF 18:00-19:20Bacani, D.52400Notes: The Monday and Wednesday meetings for this class will be held in person; Friday meetings will be conducted online. 
MathematicsMATH 1021 (772)HybridCollege Algebra4MWF 15:20-16:40Bacani, D.52522Notes: The Monday and Wednesday meetings for this class will be held in person; Friday meetings will be conducted online. 
MathematicsMATH 1021 (771)HybridCollege Algebra4MWF 10:00-11:20Mino Avila, E.52521Notes: The Wednesday and Friday meetings for this class will be held in person; Monday meetings will be conducted online. 
MathematicsMATH 1022 (750)OnlinePrecalculus4TTh 08:10-10:10Mino Avila, E.52523Notes: All examinations will be held in person; please contact the instructor for details.
MathematicsMATH 1022 (770)HybridPrecalculus4TTh 13:40-15:40Tan, S.55117Notes: The Tuesday meetings for this class will be held in person; Thursday meetings will be conducted online. 
MathematicsMATH 1031 (801)In-personDifferential & Integral Calc4TTh 17:30-19:30Fonseca, J.52524
MathematicsMATH 1031 (750)OnlineDifferential & Integral Calc4MWF 15:20-16:40Haciomeroglu, E.52401
MathematicsMATH 1041 (770)HybridCalculus I4MWF 12:40-14:00Bacani, D.52519Notes: The Monday and Wednesday meetings for this class will be held in person; Friday meetings will be conducted online. 
MathematicsMATH 1041 (802)In-personCalculus I4TTh 13:40-15:40Tran, M.54311
MathematicsMATH 1042 (801)In-personCalculus II4TTh 17:30-19:30Tran, M.55116
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 0821 (750)OnlineThe Future of Your TV3MWF 15:20-16:20Hawkins, B.52405GA
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 1021 (770)HybridIntroduction to Media Analysis3TTh 12:00-13:30Neubert, K.52706Notes: The Tuesday meetings for this class will be held in person; Thursday meetings will be conducted online. 
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 1021 (771)HybridIntroduction to Media Analysis3TTh 15:50-17:20Neubert, K.54323Notes: The Tuesday meetings for this class will be held in person; Thursday meetings will be conducted online. 
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 1701 (801)In-personIntro to Media Production3MWF 14:10-15:10Wharton, D.52930
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 1701 (802)In-personIntro to Media Production3MWF 11:30-12:30Wharton, D.54319
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 2421 (770)HybridMedia Popular Culture3TTh 10:20-11:50Neubert, K.52702Notes: The Tuesday meetings for this class will be held in person; Thursday meetings will be conducted online. 
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 2701 (801)In-personIntermediate Video Production4TTh 13:40-15:40Hadjis Labarca, A.52931
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 2701 (802)In-personIntermediate Video Production4MWF 18:00-19:20Wharton, D.52932
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 2751 (801)In-personAudio for Media4TTh 13:40-15:40Spinetto, A.52615
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 3196 (801)In-personWriting Workshop3TTh 13:40-15:10Fujiwara, C.52710WI
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 3296 (801)In-personTravel Writing3TTh 12:00-13:30Fujiwara, C.53884WI
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 3324 (801)In-personVideo Game Industry & Culture3MWF 14:10-15:10Lipartito, J.52712
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 3701 (801)In-personGenres of Media Production4TTh 15:50-17:50Hadjis Labarca, A.52933
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 3701 (802)In-personGenres of Media Production4MWF 15:20-16:40Wharton, D.52934
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 3751 (801)In-personStudio Music Recording Techniques4TTh 10:20-12:20Spinetto, A.55834
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 3709 (801)In-personAdvanced Editing4TTh 11:30-13:30Lipartito, J.55403
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 3721 (750)OnlineMedia Performance4MW 18:00-20:00Hawkins, B.52699
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 4701 (770)HybridProducing and Directing4TTh 13:40-15:40Neubert, K.53885Notes: The Tuesday meetings for this class will be held in person; Thursday meetings will be conducted online. 
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 4796 (801)In-personCreative Scriptwriting3TTh 10:20-11:50Carr, R.52707WI
Music StudiesMUST 0802 (801)In-personThe Art of Listening4MWF 12:40-14:00Horton, L.52344GA
Music StudiesMUST 0809 (801)In-personWorld Musics3MWF 16:50-17:50Horton, L.52342GA
Music StudiesMUST 0812 (801)In-personExploring Music3MWF 14:10-15:10Horton, L.52343GA
Music StudiesMUST 1763 (750)OnlineAmerican Popular Music2WF 12:40-13:40Giarratani, N.52735
PhilosophyPHIL 0839 (801)In-personPhilosophy of the Human3MWF 15:20-16:20Sekulovski, J.52430GB
PhilosophyPHIL 2172 (801)In-personHist of Philos-Modern3MWF 14:10-15:10Sekulovski, J.52431
Physical ActivityACTV 1002 (801)In-personCardiovascular Fitness2WF 18:00-19:00Karim, J.52742
Physical ActivityACTV 1013 (801)In-personIntroduction to Yoga2WF 11:30-12:30Woolbright, H.52743
PhysicsPHYS 0834 (801)In-personExploring the Cosmos3TTh 08:40-10:10Matsui, T.52612GS
PhysicsPHYS 0834 (802)In-personExploring the Cosmos3TTh 12:00-13:30Matsui, T.52614GS
PhysicsPHYS 0839 (801)In-personPowering the Future3TTh 10:20-11:50Matsui, T.52611GS
Political SciencePOLS 0825 (801)In-personQuant Methods in Soc Sci4TTh 08:10-10:10Joyce, T.53617GQCL: ANTH 0825 (801), PSY 0825 (801), & SOC 0825 (801)
Political SciencePOLS 0829 (801)In-personHist Signif Race in Amer3MWF 14:10-15:10Numata, C.52490GD
Political SciencePOLS 0859 (801)In-personMaking Amer Society3MWF 11:30-12:30Numata, C.52492GU
Political SciencePOLS 0866 (801)In-personWorld Affairs3MWF 14:10-15:10Nadeau, P.52505GG
Political SciencePOLS 1101 (801)In-personAmerican Pol System3MWF 11:30-12:30Nadeau, P.52503
Political SciencePOLS 1201 (801)In-personForeign Governments3MWF 16:50-17:50Hardy-Chartrand, B.52489
Political SciencePOLS 1301 (801)In-personInternational Politics3MWF 14:10-15:10Hardy-Chartrand, B.52504
Political SciencePOLS 1301 (802)In-personInternational Politics3TTh 15:50-17:20Hardy-Chartrand, B.55145
Political SciencePOLS 2321 (801)In-personPolitics of the Global Economy3MWF 15:20-16:20Singh, A.52496
Political SciencePOLS 2496 (801)In-personIntro to Political Philo3TTh 12:00-13:30Hardy-Chartrand, B.52509WI
Political SciencePOLS 3510 (801)In-personTopics: Research Preparation: Research Preparation Seminar: Japan's International Relations3TTh 12:00-13:30Brown, J.52512CL: ASST 3030 (801)
Political SciencePOLS 4310 (801)In-personSeminar International Politics: Chinese Foreign Policy3TTh 14:10-15:40Cho, S.55361CL: ASST 3030 (802)
Political SciencePOLS 4320 (801)In-personSeminar International Politics: Eurasian Politics: The International Affairs of Russia, Central Asia, and the Caucasus3TTh 08:40-10:10Brown, J.52506
Political SciencePOLS 4896 (801)In-personCapstone Semnr - Pol Sci3TTh 10:20-11:50Brown, J.52497WINotes: Major coordinator approval required.
Political SciencePOLS 4896 (802)In-personCapstone Semnr - Pol Sci3TTh 10:20-11:50Cho, S.52498WINotes: Major coordinator approval required.
PsychologyPSY 0817 (801)In-personBrain Matters3MWF 18:00-19:00Cueno, M.52444GS
PsychologyPSY 0818 (801)In-personHuman Sexuality3MWF 11:30-12:30Skowronski, D.52445GB
PsychologyPSY 0825 (801)In-personQuant Methods in Soc Sci4TTh 08:10-10:10Joyce, T.52446GQCL: ANTH 0825 (801), POLS 0825 (801), & SOC 0825 (801)
PsychologyPSY 1001 (801)In-personIntroduction to Psychology3TTh 12:00-13:30Saito, M.52448
PsychologyPSY 1001 (802)In-personIntroduction to Psychology3MWF 08:50-09:50Zimmerman, S.52449
PsychologyPSY 1002 (801)In-personCareers in Psychology1T 17:30-18:30Saito, M.52450
PsychologyPSY 1003 (801)In-personStatistics for Psychology3MWF 11:30-12:30Angel A.52451
PsychologyPSY 1003 (802)In-personStatistics for Psychology3TTh 17:30-19:00Sumlut, R.54431
PsychologyPSY 1004 (801)In-personCritical Thinking in Psych3MWF 11:30-12:30Zimmerman, S.52452
PsychologyPSY 2103 (801)In-personLearning & Behavior Analysis3TTh 10:20-11:50Togashi, K.52454
PsychologyPSY 2201 (801)In-personPsychopathology3MWF 14:10-15:10Skowronski, D.52455
PsychologyPSY 2402 (801)In-personIndustrial & Org Psych3MWF 11:30-12:30Sali, S.52456
PsychologyPSY 2601 (801)In-personFoundations of Health Psych3MWF 18:00-19:00Skowronski, D.55232
PsychologyPSY 3003 (801)In-personAdvanced Undergrad Stats3MWF 14:10-15:10Angel A.52457
PsychologyPSY 3221 (801)In-personClinical Psychology3TTh 15:50-17:20Saito, M.55358
PsychologyPSY 3223 (801)In-personChild Psychopathology3TTh 10:20-11:50Saito, M.55357
PsychologyPSY 3620 (801)In-personTopics in Psychology: Intercultural Marriage3MWF 16:50-17:50Skowronski, D.52459
PsychologyPSY 3151 (801)In-personBehavior-Direct Applications3TTh 12:00-13:30Togashi, K.55954
PsychologyPSY 3620 (802)In-personTopics in Psychology: Body Image Disturbances Among Females in Contemporary Societies3TTh 17:30-19:00Yamamiya, Y.52460
PsychologyPSY 4696 (801)In-personCapstone in Psychology3TTh 15:50-17:20Yamamiya, Y.52462WI
ReligionREL 2102 (801)In-personIntro to Buddhism3MWF 08:50-09:50Roser, L.55224CL: REL 2102 (801)
ReligionREL 2201 (801)In-personChinese Rel - Confucius - Mao3TTh 10:20-11:50Berger, D.55226CL: ASST 2201 (801)
ReligionREL 3301 (801)In-personJapanese Religions3TTh 19:10-20:40Feeney, W.52476CL: ASST 3301 (801)
SociologySOC 0825 (801)In-personQuant Methods in Soc Sci4TTh 08:10-10:10Joyce, T.53618GQCL: ANTH 0825 (801), POLS 0825 (801), & PSY 0825 (801)
SociologySOC 2130 (801)In-personSelected Topics in Soc: Ideology and Social Change in Japan3TTh 12:00-13:30Cleveland, K.53717CL: ASST 2000 (801)
SpanishSPAN 0826 (802)In-personBilingual Communities3MWF 10:00-11:00Faye, S.54637GB
SpanishSPAN 0826 (801)In-personBilingual Communities3TTh 10:20-11:50Maher, J.52593GB
SpanishSPAN 1001 (750)OnlineBasic I4MWF 18:00-19:20Oviedo Ceron, A.52304
SpanishSPAN 1003 (750)OnlineIntermediate3MWF 16:50-17:50Oviedo Ceron, A.52305
Sport, Tourism & Hospitality ManagementSTHM 1113 (801)In-personFound of Experience Dsgn & Mgt3TTh 15:50-17:20Altschuler, B.53907
Sports & Recreation ManagementSRM 3233 (801)In-personEsport Mgmt and Trends3W 18:00-21:00Hyun, B.53775
StatisticsSTAT 0826 (750)OnlineStatistics in the News4TTh 18:00-20:00Kansal, P.52403GQ
StatisticsSTAT 2103 (750)OnlineStatistical Business Analytics4MWF 18:00-19:20Haciomeroglu, E.52402
StatisticsSTAT 2103 (770)HybridStatistical Business Analytics4MWF 08:30-09:50Mino Avila, E.52518Notes: The Wednesday and Friday meetings for this class will be held in person; Monday meetings will be conducted online. 
Temple University JapanTUJ 0879 (801)In-personThe History of Japanese Design3MWF 18:00-19:00Lynam, I.52376GA
Temple University JapanTUJ 1001 (750)OnlineTUJ Bridge Seminar 11M 11:30-12:30Ito, S.52733
Temple University JapanTUJ 1001 (751)OnlineTUJ Bridge Seminar 11M 12:40-13:40Ito, S.52740
Temple University JapanTUJ 1002 (750)OnlineBridge Seminar 22MW 11:30-12:30Hueston, C.52736
Temple University JapanTUJ 1002 (751)OnlineBridge Seminar 22MW 12:40-13:40Xu, W.52738
TheaterTHTR 0825 (801)In-personThe Art of Acting3TTh 15:50-17:20Roberts, W.52576GA
TheaterTHTR 0825 (802)In-personThe Art of Acting3TTh 17:30-19:00Roberts, W.52577GA
Tourism & Hospitality ManagementTHM 2311 (801)In-personGlobal Issues in Travel3TTh 10:20-11:50Altschuler, B.53905
University SeminarUNVS 1003 (750)OnlineAcad Bridge Internat Std3TTh 10:20-11:50Mian, S.52734
University SeminarUNVS 1003 (801)In-personAcad Bridge Internat Std3TTh 10:20-11:50Giarratani, N.52744
MathematicsMATH 2043 (750)OnlineCalculus III4MWF 12:40-14:00Delfan Azari, M.55833Notes: All examinations will be held in person; please contact the instructor for details.
Legal StudiesLGLS 3580 (801)In-personSpecial Topics - Law: Cross-Border Negotiations Strategies3MTWThF 9:00-12:30Wilson, M.55777Notes: This course will be held in the TUJ Summer-Fall Intersession and is counted toward the Fall 2024 roster. Classes will be held on August 14th-27th. The add/drop deadline is August 16th. Please contact the instructor for more information.
Political SciencePOLS 2321 (802)In-personPolitics of the Global Economy3TTh 12:00-13:30Singh, A.55835
AccountingACCT 2103 (801)In-personFinancial and Managerial Accounting for Decision Making4MWF 15:20-16:40Ho, M.55909
Liberal ArtsCLA 2030 (802)In-personSpec Topics Lib Arts III: Technology in International Business3TTh 13:40-15:10Thompson, M.55910
JapaneseJPNS 1002 (805)In-personJapanese Elements II4MWF 12:40 - 14:00Nishikawa, E.55912
JapaneseJPNS 2702 (803)In-personIntermediate II - TUJ4MWF 15:20 - 16:40Takeda, S.55952
JapaneseJPNS 1001 (807)In-personJapanese Elements I 4MWF 08:30 - 9:50Toyoizumi, N.55953
Intellectual Heritage IH 0851 (754)OnlineIH I: The Good Life3TTh 13:40-15:10Azzopardi, M.55914GY
JapaneseJPNS 1002 (804)In-personJapanese Elements II4MWF 10:00-11:20Yamaguchi, A.55955
Intellectual HeritageIH 0851 (808)In-personIH I: The Good Life3MWF 08:50-09:50Jankiewicz, S.55915GY
Intellectual HeritageIH 0851 (809)In-personIH I: The Good Life3MWF 14:10-15:10Jankiewicz, S.55916GY
Asian StudiesASST 2101 (801)In-personReligions of India3TTh 12:00-13:30Berger, D.55919CL: REL 2101 (801)
Physical ActivityACTV 1013 (750)OnlineIntroduction to Yoga2TTh 08:40-09:40Lundy, B55968
Physical ActivityACTV 1013 (751)OnlineIntroduction to Yoga2TTh 10:20-11:20Wade, K.55969
Asian StudiesASST 2373 (801)In-personJapanese Culture3TTh 13:40-15:10Hallingstad O'Brien, D.55920CL: ANTH 2373 (801)
Asian StudiesASST 0811 (801)In-personAsian Behavior & Thought3TTh 10:20-11:50Hallingstad O'Brien, D.55922GB
Liberal ArtsCLA 2030 (804)In-personSpec Topics Lib Arts III: Technology in International Business3MW 18:00-19:30Seki, H.55927
Political SciencePOLS 3520 (801)In-personSpecial Topics: Research Preparation Seminar: Korean Politics3MWF 15:20-16:20Cho, S.55967CL: ASST 3000 (801)
Asian StudiesASST 2111 (801)In-personJapanese Literature: From Classical to Contemporary3TTh 13:40-15:10Habjan Villarreal, N.55971
Sport, Tourism & Hospitality ManagementSTHM 2117 (801)In-personApplied Research for Experience Industries    3TTh 13:40-15:10Jeon, H.55973
Tourism & Hospitality ManagementTHM 1311 (801)In-personThe Business of Tourism and Hospitality3MWF 14:10-15:10An, Y.53980
PhilosophyPHIL 0847 (801)In-personThe Meaning of the Arts3MWF 16:50-17:50Sekulovski, J.55972GA
JapaneseJPNS 2111 (801)In-personJapanese Literature: From Classical to Contemporary3TTh 13:40-15:10Habjan Villarreal, N.56034
Tourism Hospitality Event ManagementTHE 3357 (750)OnlineSales and Revenue Generation in Events and Hospitality            3MWF 11:30-12:30Sheridan, M.55924
Sport, Tourism & Hospitality ManagementSTHM 2209 (750)OnlineEmployee Engagement in Experience Industries        3MWF 10:00-11:00Sheridan M.55923
PsychologyPSY 3096 (750)OnlineConducting Psychological Research3TTh 10:20-11:50Kita, S.52458WI
Political Science POLS 0864 (801)In-personWar and Peace3TTh 10:20-11:50Tanaka, K.55758GG
PsychologyPSY 3096 (801)In-personConducting Psychological Research3MWF 08:50-09:50Angel, A.56052WI
Intellectual HeritageIH 0851 (805)In-personIH I: The Good Life3MWF 11:30-12:30Johnson, J.55199GY
ReligionREL 2101 (801)In-personIndian Philosophies and Religions3TTh 12:00-13:30Berger, D.56099CL: ASST 2101 (801)
ArtARTU 1401 (802)In-personDrawing I 3TTh 13:10-15:40Hishiyama, Y.56100Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
Art ARTU 1402 (802)In-personDrawing II3MW 11:30-14:00Horak, S.56101Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
Asian StudiesASST 3000 (801)In-person Special Topics Asian Studies II: Korean Politics3MWF 15:20-16:20Cho, S.56114CL: POLS 3520 (801)
Computer & Information ScienceCIS 2168 (801)In-personData Structures4MWF 08:30-09:50Nakhle, F.56121Notes: Schedule includes a laboratory component.
EnglishENG 0802 (808)In-personAnalytical Reading & Writing4TTh 13:40-15:40Windhauser, B.56122GW
English ENG 0802 (806)In-personAnalytical Reading & Writing4TTh 17:30-19:30Windhauser, B.52274GW
English ENG 0802 (807)In-personAnalytical Reading & Writing4MWF 15:20-16:40Fraser, P.52275GW
English ENG 0802 (805)In-personAnalytical Reading & Writing4MWF 12:40-14:00Fraser, P.52273GW
Asian StudiesASST 2238 (750)OnlineVisual Anthropology of Modern Japan3TTh 12:00-13:30Wadhwa, M.56157CL: ANTH 2238 (750)
AnthropologyANTH 2238 (750)OnlineVisual Anthropology of Modern Japan3TTh 12:00-13:30Wadhwa, M.56158CL: ASST 2238 (750)
ArtARTU 2400 (802)In-personSpecial Topics: Community Arts and Cultural Development Practice (Joint Class with Showa Women's University)3TTh 15:50-18:20Watanabe, S.56214CL: CLA 1010 (801). Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
Liberal ArtsCLA 1010 (801)In-personSpecial Topics in Liberal Arts: Community Arts and Cultural Development Practice (Joint Class with Showa Women's University)1Th 15:50-18:20Watanabe, S.56215CL: ARTU 2400 (802). Field trips are mandatory in this class. This is a Joint Class with Showa Women's University.
EnglishENG 0812 (811)In-personAnalytical Read/Wrtg ESL4TTh 17:30-19:30Tachibana, N.54598GW
EnglishENG 0812 (813)In-personAnalytical Read/Wrtg ESL4MWF 10:00-11:20Woo, N.55383GW
JournalismJRN 3704 (801)In-personEthical Issues in Journalism3MWF 15:20-16:20Blomberg, M.56256
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender StudiesLGBT 2405 (801)In-personQueer Lives 3TTh 12:00-13:30Windhauser, B.56257
JournalismJRN 1111 (802)In-personJournalism and Society3MWF 10:00-11:00Blomberg, M.56255
JournalismJRN 3505 (801) In-personExperimental Journalism3MWF 14:10-15:10Blomberg, M.56258
Asian StudiesASST 3252 (801)In-personEast Asia and the U.S. 3MWF 11:30-12:30Davidson, M.52481CL: POLS 3252 (801)
Political SciencePOLS 3252 (801)In-personEast Asia and the U.S. 3MWF 11:30-12:30Davidson, M.52482CL: ASST 3252 (801)
AnthropologyANTH 2373 (801)In-personJapanese Culture3TTh 13:40-15:10Hallingstad O'Brien, D.56352CL: ASST 2373 (801)
Intellectual HeritageIH 0852 (753)Online IH II: The Common Good3Asynchronous Azzopardi, M.56386GYNotes: Asynchronous online course in Canvas, no scheduled class meetings. Instructor will provide details via email at beginning of term.
Physical ActivityACTV 1013 (802)In-personIntroduction to Yoga2WF 12:40-13:40Woolbright, H.56439
Tourism Hospitality Event ManagementTHE 2251 (750)OnlineFood and Beverage Management3MWF 08:50-09:50Sheridan, M.56444
Sport, Tourism & Hospitality ManagementSTHM 3201 (801)In-personFinancial Management in Experience Industries3MWF 16:50-17:50An, Y.56445
Sport, Tourism & Hospitality ManagementSTHM 2216 (801)In-personVenue and Entertainment Management3TTh 15:50-17:20Jeon, H.56446
Tourism & Hospitality ManagementTHM 0877 (801)In-personCQ in a Globalized World3TTh 12:00-13:30Altschuler, B.53906
Intellectual HeritageIH 0852 (808)In-person IH II: The Common Good3TTh 08:40-10:10Stone, H.55411GY
Music StudiesMUST 0812 (802)In-personExploring Music3TTh 15:50-17:20Uchida, M.56456GA
ArtARTU 1501 (803)In-person2D Design3TTh 09:20-11:50Jones, K.56485Notes: Extra studio time is mandatory in this class.
Geography and Urban StudiesGUS 0861 (801)In-personUrban Dynamics: Global, Regional, and Local Connections3TTh 08:40-10:10Gardener, B.56487GU
Geography and Urban StudiesGUS 0861 (802)In-personUrban Dynamics: Global, Regional, and Local Connections3TTh 15:50-17:20Gardener, B.56488GU
Geography and Urban StudiesGUS 3062 (801)In-personFundamentals of Geographic Information Systems3TTh 10:20-11:50Gardener, B.56492
Geography and Urban StudiesGUS 0821 (801)In-personDigital Mapping 4TTh 13:40-15:40Gardener, B.52437GQ
Physical ActivityACTV 1018 (801)In-personIntroduction to Pilates2TTh 10:20-11:20Chauhan, E.56493
Physical ActivityACTV 1018 (802)In-personIntroduction to Pilates2TTh 12:00-13:00Chauhan, E.56494
EnglishENG 0837 (802)In-personEating Cultures3TTh 10:20-11:50Higgins, S.56495GB
EnglishENG 0857 (750)OnlineThe Detective Novel3TTh 12:00-13:30Sterling, J.56496GG
PhysicsPHYS 0847 (750)OnlineHow Things Work: The Physics of Everyday Life3MWF 14:10-15:10Delfan Azari, M.56497GS
BiologyBIOL 0848 (802)In-personDNA: Friend or Foe3MWF 08:50-09:50Nahra, M.56505GS
DanceDANC 1807 (751)OnlineHatha Yoga2TTh 15:50-16:50Alling, B.56506
Political SciencePOLS 2314 (801)In-personPolitics of International Law3MWF 16:50-17:50McCaskill, J.56507
SociologySOC 0829 (801)In-personThe History & Significance of Race in America3MWF 15:20-16:20Cruz, A.56509GD
MathematicsMATH 1042 (750)OnlineCalculus II4TTh 08:10-10:10Bacani, D.56510Notes: All examinations will be held in person; please contact the instructor for details.
Environmental StudiesENST 0842 (801)In-personSustainable Environments3MWF 11:30-12:30Ballance, T.56513GS
AccountingACCT 2521 (801)In-personCost Accounting3MWF 10:00-11:00Ho, M.55926
SociologySOC 0831 (801)In-personImmigration and the American Dream3TTh 17:30-19:00Kubo, K.56514GD
Media Studies & ProductionMSP 1701 (803)In-personIntro to Media Production3MWF 10:00-11:00Broyles, J.56516
AccountingACCT 2103 (802)In-personFinancial and Managerial Accounting for Decision Making4TTh 13:40-15:40Sigaty, D.55925
Communication Social InfluenceCSI 0836 (750)OnlineInterpersonal Communication: Critical Competencies for Professional and Personal Success3TTh 12:00-13:30Montgomery, D.56525
Asian StudiesASST 2502 (801)In-personIntro to East Asia: Japan3TTh 13:40-15:10Rusneac, C.56529CL: HIST 2502 (801)
HistoryHIST 2502 (801)In-personIntro to East Asia: Japan3TTh 13:40-15:10Rusneac, C.56530CL: ASST 2502 (801)
EnglishENG 0802 (809)In-personAnalytical Reading & Writing4MWF 12:40-14:00Woo, N.56532GW
EnglishENG 0701 (750)OnlineIntro to Acad Discourse4TTh 13:40-15:40Northey, J.52260
PhysicsPHYS 1061 (801)In-personElementary Classical Physics I4TTh 13:40-15:40Matsui, T.56254Notes: Two sections are required for this course: a 0.0 credit Laboratory section and the 4.0 credit Lecture & Recitation section. Students are also required to register for the lab section: PHYS 1061 (841), CRN 56547.
PhysicsPHYS 1061 (841)In-personElementary Classical Physics I0W 18:00-20:00Esmaeili, A. 56547Notes: Two sections are required for this course: a 0.0 credit Laboratory section and the 4.0 credit Lecture & Recitation section. Students are also required to register for the lecture section: PHYS 1061 (801), CRN 56254.
EducationEDUC 0817 (801)In-personYouth Cultures3F 18:00-21:00Koshino, K.56554GB
SociologySOC 0817 (801)In-personYouth Cultures3TTh 17:30-19:00Cleveland, K.56555GBCL: ANTH 0817 (801)
AnthropologyANTH 0817 (801)In-personYouth Cultures3TTh 17:30-19:00Cleveland, K.56556GBCL: SOC 0817 (801)
EducationEDUC 0806 (802)In-personIt's Bigger Than Hip-hop3TTh 17:30-19:00Yamada, M.56563GDNotes: This course will run online via Zoom until September 12 and will run in-person from September 17th.
Computer & Information ScienceCIS 3296 (801)In-personSoftware Design4MWF 15:20-16:40Nakhle, F.56604
Computer & Information ScienceCIS 1001 (801)In-person Introduction to Academics in Computer Science1M 10:00-11:00Nahra, M.56574
Art HistoryARTH 1155 (750)OnlineArts of the World I: Prehistoric to 13003AsynchronousDiMarco, C.56575
Computer & Information ScienceCIS 3308 (770)HybridWeb Application Programming4MWF 14:10-15:10 & M 20:00-21:00Nakhle, F.56580Notes: The lab component will be conducted online: Monday at 20:00 - 21:00
HistoryHIST 0834 (750)OnlineRepresenting Race3MWF 10:00-11:00Presswood, M.56596GD
EnglishENG 0701 (802)In-personIntro to Acad Discourse4MWF 10:00-11:20Bae, M.56597
Intellectual HeritageIH 0851 (770)HybridIH I: The Good Life3TTh 12:00-13:30Ejmont, S.56603GYNotes: The Tuesday meetings for this class will be held in-person; on Thursdays, the class will be conducted asynchronously online.
EnglishENG 0802 (810)In-personAnalytical Reading & Writing4MWF 12:40-14:00Robinson, P.56622GW
EnglishENG 0802 (811)In-personAnalytical Reading & Writing4MWF 15:20-16:40Robinson, P.56623GW
EnglishENG 0812 (812)In-personAnalytical Read/Wrtg ESL4MWF 10:00-11:20Fraser, P.55382GW
Computer & Information ScienceCIS 0835 (751)OnlineCyberspace & Society3TTh 08:40-10:10Karam, H.52408GS
Liberal ArtsCLA 1010 (751)OnlineSpecial Topics in Liberal Arts: Introduction to SDGs1M 11:30-12:30Galichet-Honda, V.56706
JapaneseJPNS 1001 (808)In-personJapanese Elements I4MWF 12:40-14:00Namba, F.56707
Science and TechnologySCTC 1001 (750)OnlineCST First Year Seminar1T 10:20-11:20Admiraal, K.56726
Science and TechnologySCTC 2001 (750)OnlineCST Transfer Seminar1M 10:00-11:00Admiraal, K.56727
JapaneseJPNS 3001 (803)In-personAdvanced Japanese I3TTh 14:10-15:40Matsuhashi, Y.56728
Intellectual HeritageIH 0851 (755)OnlineIH I: The Good Life3AsynchronousBrady, M.56729GY
EconomicsECON 1101 (771)HybridMacroeconomic Principles3TTh 17:30-19:00Ofori, S.56730Notes: The Tuesday meetings for this class will be held in person; Thursday meetings will be conducted online.
EnglishENG 0701 (803)In-personIntro to Acad Discourse4MWF 12:40-14:00Bae, M.56736
EnglishENG 0812 (807)In-personAnalytical Read/Wrtg ESL4TTh 13:40-15:40Tachibana, N.56737GW
JapaneseJPNS 1001 (809)In-personJapanese Elements I4MWF 10:00-11:20Van Orman, Y.56766
MarketingMKTG 2101 (801)In-personMarketing Management3MWF 10:00-11:00An, Y.56773
EconomicsECON 1102 (803)In-personMicroeconomic Principles3TTh 12:00-13:30Leeds, M.56799